These posts are written by: Bruce Chidester

Could Meditation Help In Playing the Trumpet?

A Little Information and History about Meditating Meditation is many things to many people. Some think it is a religious experience. Some think it is a cult. And some, including your author are aware of its benefits to better health. I will try to summarize the technique and benefits of…

How to Get Established in a New Area

After relocating to a new area, whether it be for employment, school, or just to move, we are faced with a similar problem- How do I get established in this new area? For a musician to get established is different from other activities. If you want to play baseball, you…

Sleep Apnea Part III

As a member of the group listed as male, old, and heart issues, I for some reason fell into the central sleep apnea category. And as a candidate with all of these factors, of course I ended up as an “extreme case” of central sleep apnea. I am the posted…