Due to the fact that I have been regularly posting arrangements on our site for the past 13 years (ugh) I, from time to time, run out of ideas to work on. I am offering a contest to my friends which should both generate inspirations for me as well as…
These posts are written by: Bruce Chidester
An Old Toy Gets A Look-Over
To admit that a product of the 60s is still interesting to anyone is a surprise. But after rummaging through my bin of “the old and discarded,” I ran across a friend I had not seen in decades (many, many decades). Let me introduce you to the Vox Octavoice I.…
Why do trumpet players need an Amplifier?
Well, not all trumpet players really have to have an amp for our chosen instrument has all the power we need. Or does it? Have you ever played with a rock band? In most cases the band has a sufficient sound system but some times we are forgotten and need…
Which is more important in the development of a student- the teacher or the environment? Part 3
In the previous post we discussed the advantages of private lessons on a student’s development as well as the contributing factors to the development of the self-motivated student. Self motivated students , as I will discuss will begin to have a profound effect on the players around them. This influence…
Could Meditation Help In Playing the Trumpet? Part 2
Starting to Meditate Now that you have decided on a mantra to use, we will now begin our crash course in general meditation. I am in no way instructing you to use the Transcendental meditation form for I am not a qualified instructor and to do so would be against…
Could Meditation Help In Playing the Trumpet?
A Little Information and History about Meditating Meditation is many things to many people. Some think it is a religious experience. Some think it is a cult. And some, including your author are aware of its benefits to better health. I will try to summarize the technique and benefits of…
Which is more important in the development of a student- the teacher or the environment? Part 2
The importance of personal contact on a regular basis cannot be over stated for the concentrated time given on a one to one basis is fundamental in the concept of private lessons. During a lesson, the instructor is able to listen, evaluate and make recommendations to the student drawing from…
Which is more important in the musical development of a student- the teacher or the environment?
This post has not come easily for I’m not sure that I will be able to articulate my thoughts effectively. The ultimate goal will be to cause thought, evaluation and deep reflection on a very debatable issue which is “Does a student’s improvement depend on the ability of the teacher,…
How to Get Established in a New Area
After relocating to a new area, whether it be for employment, school, or just to move, we are faced with a similar problem- How do I get established in this new area? For a musician to get established is different from other activities. If you want to play baseball, you…
Sleep Apnea Part III
As a member of the group listed as male, old, and heart issues, I for some reason fell into the central sleep apnea category. And as a candidate with all of these factors, of course I ended up as an “extreme case” of central sleep apnea. I am the posted…