Danger ! Danger- Do Not Use………..

Slide Creams are all alike…..Right? No About a month ago I noticed that my flugle horn’s tuning slide was working a little hard and because I had just lubricated my trombone slide with some Yamaha Slide Cream, I thought it wise to lubricate my flugle horn’s tuning slide before I put my equipment away. Bad decision. When I tuned with our organist for a church service this morning, I found that the tuning slide in my recently lubricated flugle horn could not be budged. No matter what I did, I could not move the slide. When I got home, I…

How to Start to Get Back in Shape in 3 Days- Part #6

Secrets to Improve Sight Reading Why are some people able to sight read much faster than others? Is it a natural occurrence or are there extenuating conditions which make some read much faster than others? To understand this inconsistency, we need to isolate the elements needed for rapid sight-reading. Elements involved with effective sight-reading- 1. Recognition of pitch 2. Recognition of rhythm When divided into these two elements the answer to why some people are able to sight-read faster than others is more apparent. We are all at the same level when recognizing pitches and eventually reacting with the correct…