Hypnotic Brass Ensemble

In our never ending quest to bring to the surface brass ensembles worth watching, I thought you might enjoy this more recent offering which has its roots in a far off time and space. The time is the 1950’s and the space reference is Saturn where an important figure influenced the direction of this ensemble. A big influence in the development of Hypnotic Brass Ensemble was the father of these brothers and an important influence in the fathers life was Sun Ra, an interesting figure in the 70’s who professed to be from the planet Saturn. How more wild can…

Are you suffering from Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis?

Recent studies have found that musicians are subjecting themselves to mold and/or bacteria which may lead to the development of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), a lung condition characterized by shortness of breath and cough. The mold or bacteria has been found in virtually every instrument tested by Dr. Mark Metersky (University of Connecticut Health Center). His complete story can be read at – http://today.uchc.edu/features/2010/sep10/lungdisease.html Read also a brief News report published in the September issue of the professional journal Chest – WIND INSTRUMENT MUSICIANS AT INCREASED RISK FOR LUNG DISEASE NEWS BRIEFS FROM THE SEPTEMBER ISSUE OF CHEST Article | 09.07.10…