“New Additions to UIL Prescribed Solo Ensemble Music List for Grade 2- Trumpet Quartet Numbers”

Total recent inclusions- 25


Medici Music Press includes 10 or 40% of all new “Trumpet Quartets” to Grade 2 level recently accepted


Code Event Name Title Composer Arranger Publisher [Collection] Grade Specification
340-2-13651 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Kyrie in F Bach Dishinger Medici Music Press 2
340-2-13652 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Kyrie in G Bach Dishinger Medici Music Press 2
340-2-13653 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Rowland Byrd Dishinger Medici Music Press 2 (no repeats)
340-2-13654 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet The Earle of Oxford’s Marche Byrd Dishinger Medici Music Press 2
340-2-13655 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Two Renaissance Canons des Pres Decker Medici Music Press 2
340-2-13656 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet March and Chorale Dillon Boosey & Hawkes, Inc. 2
340-2-13657 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Americana Suite No.1 Dishinger Medici Music Press 2 (play mvts 1 & 3 or 1 & 4 or 2 & 3 or 2 & 4)
340-2-13658 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet English Madrigal Suite Farmer Dishinger Medici Music Press 2 (play mvt 1)
340-2-13659 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Madrigal: Io Pur Respiro Gesualdo Dishinger Medici Music Press 2
340-2-13660 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Sonata da Chiesa Israel Theodore Presser Company 2 (play two mvts)
340-2-13661 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet The Game Kabalevsky Lester JTL Publications, G. Scott Music Publishing Co. 2 (play all)
340-2-13662 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Moods Leonard H.T. FitzSimons Company 2
340-2-13663 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Marcia Grandioso Lotzenhiser Rubank, Inc. 2
340-2-13664 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Scherzetto Lotzenhiser Rubank, Inc. 2
340-2-13665 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Canzona (from Canzoni a 4 Voci) Maschera Dishinger Medici Music Press 2
340-2-13666 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet American Panorama McKay Carl Fischer, Inc. 2 (play two)
340-2-13667 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Fanfare and Allegro Ostransky Rubank, Inc. 2
340-2-13668 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Pavane and Canzonetta Ostransky Rubank, Inc. 2
340-2-13669 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Marche (from Suite No. 5 for Clavier) Purcell Dishinger Medici Music Press 2
340-2-13670 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Two Ceremonial Classics Purcell Campbell Kendor Music, Inc. 2
340-2-13671 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Sonatina for Four Trumpets Simpson Carl Fischer, Inc. 2
340-2-13672 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Fanfare and Processional Turini Weinandt Southern Music Company 2 (play one)
340-2-25370 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Sarabande and Double Bach Brom Kendor Music, Inc. 2
340-2-29923 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Hornpipe (from Water Music) Handel Conley Kendor Music, Inc. 2
340-2-29924 Cornet-Trumpet Quartet Trepak (from The Nutcracker Suite) Tchaikovsky Kaisershot Kendor Music, Inc. 2


If this is true, and I have no reason to doubt the printed material from the official UIL Web site, the disproportionate number of arrangements recently accepted to be added to the UIL Solo Contest List seems to be a little tilted in favor of the Medici Music Press.

What do you think?

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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