At Last, A Better Plunger!

plunger 1For those who occasionally pick up a plunger to entertain the masses, you may be interested in my new choice.

This is available at Lowes for the modest price of $2.24 and with about two minutes to alter the original, you can have the best plunger I have ever used.

2015-04-20 12.22.28

Modifying your new mute-

1. Place on table and with a hack saw, cut off handle to match included picture.
2. Sand smooth if need be.
3. Pick up in left hand.
4. Place in bell.
5. Play a note as you move the mute around.

………any questions?

If you would like to hear how it sounds, just click on MP3 below.

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

7 thoughts on “At Last, A Better Plunger!

  1. Joan Force Reply

    Fancy! I bought a small plunger for the soprano cornet, but left the stick on. Easier to grab for quick mute changes or if you have low back problems, it saves bending over.

  2. Alex Reply

    How is this any better than the standard plunger mute in your opinion? More nuance ability? Better wah sound? Seems like it would be more awkward to hold than the normal toilet plunger type.

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      1. the new one has much thinner walls which is less deadening of the sound.
      2. The sound plays through the walls when completely closed.
      3. With the hole cut where the handle used to be, there is no “breaking” in the harmonics as in the case of the old plunger mute.
      4. It is lighter and easier to hole and work.
      5. The new mute is longer and more comfortable to use.
      6. the old plungers tend to get brittle as they age and I don’t think this new one will.
      7. The new one is more versatile in tone quality than the old one.

  3. Alex Reply

    Good reasons, thanks a lot!

  4. Richard Shook Reply

    I TOTALLY disagree with most of this post. I have played a LOT of plunger solos over many years, using a bell-size off-the-shelf plunger from the hardware store. Long ago someone advised I cut a hole in it – absolutely ruined it. (Luckily replacement expense isn’t a big issue.)

    Please listen to the historic plunger artists – they used the “breaks” as an essential part of the plunger sound.

    If you want to play plunger solos, play a plunger.

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